The FAb

After going through a tough time recovering from self-esteem issues and an eating disorder after my elite sporting career (2005-2008), I vowed in 2011 to create a solution so that others didn't need to endure what I did for all those years. I wanted to build a transformational program that helped people recover from behavioural addictions and self-sabotage.

In 2016, using transformational NLP practices, that vision became a 6 month transformational education program called the FAb Mastermind.

It's helped hundreds of women globally to find their true purpose, live a life that's more in alignment with who they really are (not what others expect for them), make more money, tackle tougher career challenges, find their voice, get out of disempowering circumstances, become more assertive, discover their value and own their authentic power in the world.

“Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth.”

— Bryant H. McGill

What’s included?

The FAb Mastermind program is a 6 month journey to reclaim your power, find your voice, own your worth and walk your unique path to personal greatness.

The program is self-paced and also self-initated, usually showing up in your life when you’re feeling restless, unfulfilled or like something is missing.

You’re ready when you’re searching for something more and willing to let go of what’s holding you back in order to claim the life that’s waiting for you.

  • The heroine’s journey unfolds in a predictable sequence, this is based on the pattern of steps recorded by women in my coaching sessions between 2012-2019.

  • One of the biggest blockers holding many women back is the relationship they have to their autentic selves - in particular the habit of downplaying what you really want and what you’re really worth.

  • Finding your path and your purpose is really about finding connection with your authentic self and trusting intuition to guide you.

  • Life hands each of us a bunch of daily choices, what robs us of personal freedom is the feeling of being disempowered or unable to make the choices you deeply want to.



This 6 month journey is a signature process proven to enhance your true power, authenticity and personal freedom.

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“The journey of the heroine is about the courage to seek the depths; the image of creative rebirth; the eternal cycle of change within us; the uncanny discovery that the seeker is the mystery which the seeker seeks to know.”

— Joseph Campbell


This program does not replace the need for professional mental health support.

If you have a history of mental health illness and/or are currently under the care of a mental health professional, consult with them prior to enrolling in this program. It is beyond the scope of this course to cater for people with significant mental health concerns, in this instance, professional mental health support is recommended.

Download the brochure.

Download the brochure to find out more about the program and discover if it’s the right fit for you.

This program requires a leap of faith, stepping outside your comfort zone and being willing to let go of what is holding you back, like a snake sheds it’s skin. It can be a significant commitment for some, so you can also organise a time to talk with us more about the program.


  • The FAb Mastermind or for short ‘FAbMM’ means ‘Flourishing Abundance Mastermind’. The term ‘mastermind’ often means a group of like-minded peers, however, the definition for mastermind intended in this course is taken from the book by Wallace Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich:

    “To think health when surrounded by the appearances of disease or to think riches when in the midst of the appearances of poverty requires power, but whoever acquires this power becomes a mastermind. That person can conquer fate and can have what he or she wants.”

  • No, personal or one on one coaching is not included in this program, it is a self-paced online program. You may talk to other participants and share your journey in the community or also find a counsellor or coach in your local area to help you navigate the changes this program will create in your life. (Any personal coaching or counselling you choose to get is at an additional cost and the sole responsibility of the participant).

  • As soon as your enrolment is confirmed you can either choose to receive the materials in full (with full upfront payment) or month by month (with monthly payment option). This allows you to tackle the steps at a sustainable pace and make the most of the program.

  • Costs range from €300 (for the workbook only) to €3,000 (For lifetime access to the full program).

    Therefore, this course can be a significant investment for people, both in terms of money and focus. So, please make sure it’s the right investment for you before enrolling.