Melanie O’Connor

A commercially savvy and strategically minded marketing leader.

What I do.


I aspire to be a CMO or CRO at a multi-national company either in B2B or Luxury Brand Marketing.

For a full overview of my career to date, follow the link below to view my career highlights and curiculum vitae.

See My CV.


I was a full time marketing consultant between 2012-2020 and I continue to take on the occasional project on the side that I find both ambitious and inspiring.

For a full list of services head on over to the consulting page, link below.

Consulting Services.


I love to write and I’ve had articles published in several magazines back in my 20’s. I write about marketing, strategy, growth, brand building and leadership.

The link below will take you across to the page where all the current articles are.

See Blog Articles.

a little bit
about me.

I’m a former elite swimmer, who represented Australia at 3 world swimming championships.

I’ve been a resident on the Emerald Isle (Ireland) now since 2013 and live in Dublin with my Husband and our miniture dashchund dog, Axel.

I love a challenge, live music, fashion, dancing, swimming, learning new skills, coffee and a good book (if it’s the morning) or wine and a good book (if it’s the evening!), dining out, travel and personal growth.

Say G’Day

They say you can take the lass out of Australia, but you can’t take the Aussie out of the lass.

Send me a message about potential senior marketing roles, consulting and speaking opportunities. I look forward to hearing from you.